
PMC脉宽同步顶升系统 - 实用型

名称:PMC脉宽同步顶升系统 - 实用型


PMC系列PLC同步顶升系统是基于PLC控制技术,通过传感器的反馈来控制升降及定位。控制过程无需考虑重物的中心分布,适用于对大型、重载桥梁进行顶升作业,特别适用于配套 RSM/RCS 超薄型千斤顶用于更换桥梁支座。

 PMC series PLC synchronous jacking system is based on PLC control technology, which can control the lifting and positioning by the feedback of the sensor.The control process does not need to consider the center distribution of heavy objects. It is suitable for the lifting operation of large and heavy bridge. It is especially suitable for supporting RSM/RCS super thin jacks to replace the bridge support.


 By changing the flow of each cylinder to adjust the jacking displacement of the jack, the system maintains good position control.Through the elimination of human interference, the synchronous lifting and lifting maintain the integrity of the mechanism, improve the production efficiency, and enhance the safety of the lifting movement.

基于 PLC 控制的同步顶升系统减少了重量分布不均和不同顶升点间负载转移造成的折弯,扭曲和倾斜的危险。

The synchronous jacking system based on PLC reduces the risk of bending, twisting and slanting caused by uneven weight distribution and load transfer between different jacking points.

核心电气控制系统采用了德国西门子 PLC 可编程控制器,结合了高性能位移传感器和压力传感器检测系统, 实现了压力控制和位移控制控制双重控制 , 进而保证了千斤顶的精准控制和顶升过程安全控制。

Core electrical control system USES Germany Siemens PLC programmable controller, combined with the high-performance displacement sensor and pressure sensor test system, realized the pressure control and displacement control control dual control, thus ensures the precision of the jack and jack-up process safety control.



Double plunger pump power system is adopted to achieve rapid leveling and heavy load leveling

控制精度高,同步精度可以达到 0.5mm,并且同步顶升和下降都可完全控制。

The control precision is high, the synchronous precision can reach 0.5mm, and the synchronous jacking and descending can be completely controlled.


The product is flexible and can be controlled flexibly according to different working conditions, oil cylinder tonnage and quantity and jacking accuracy.

每个控制点相对独立,可对一个或几个控制点单独调节 , 控制点之间互不干涉。

Each control point is relatively independent and can be adjusted independently to one or several control points without interference between the control points.

系统采用模块化设计,可以控制 481216,并且可以联机控制扩展至 99 个点。

The system adopts modular design, which can control 4, 8, 12 and 16, and can be extended to 99 points online.


It has data storage and recording function to facilitate the generation of reports.

可选配变频电机驱动 (VFDM) PLC 装置,确保精确同步和流量控制。

Optional variable frequency motor drive (VFDM) and PLC device to ensure accurate synchronization and flow control.


Simple and intuitive human-computer interaction interface, easy to set parameters and operation