The full streamline shape combines modern industrial design with the perfect combination of aluminum titanium alloy and alloy steel.
The aluminum titanium alloy cylinder has high strength and high toughness.
最大工作压力 70MPa。
Maximum working pressure 70MPa
The precision small ratchet design has no stop structure and will not be stuck due to bolt twisting.
油管旋转接头 360°X180°,无空间限制,操作自由。
Tubing rotary joint 360 °X180° no space restriction, free operation.
The transmission parts are few, the mechanism is simple, the maintenance is easy, and the maintenance cost is low.
The compact integrated counterforce arm is designed with less load and longer durability.
从 485-280000Nm 共 13 个型号,是市面上同类产品中型号较全,螺栓覆盖面较广的产品。
From 485 to 280000Nm ,There are 13 models which is the complete type of similar roducts on the market, bolt cover the wide range of products.
Especially the most suitable choice for large torque pretightening bolts, such as turbine rotors.
扭矩恒定输出,重复精度 ± 3% 。
Constant torque output, repeatability accuracy ±3%.
A variety of driving shafts can be replaced, and the lengthening reaction force arm can be customized according to the field space.